Discover The Seven Secrets of Profitable Forex Trading

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95% of Forex traders will lose their money….


Not because the market is so delicate but because the secrets to being profitable are not known and followed by the majority of the people.


If I had been privileged to read a book like this, I wouldn’t have lost so much money at the beginning of my trading journey.


My Wife wasn’t happy with me, she felt I’d lost my mind and forex wasn’t for me


I had that terrible feeling too for a while and it really sucked


Thankfully I figured out how to be profitable and my wins have covered up for all the stupid mistakes of the past.


My wife is happier, My kids love how daddy is able to afford everything they need also


I still think I’m happier than them all, not just for the monetary success or ability to be responsible for my loved ones


But also, that I have been able to help several individuals to become profitable forex traders, 


Many of the books out there would likely give you a wide range of information, many of them are just theories that are not going to help you become a profitable forex trader!


Imagine that you need to learn how to drive a car and I decide to start teaching you about how roads are constructed, how cars are painted in the factory and some engineering calculations 


You see how off target that will seem? That’s exactly how a lot of forex books are… they’ll only leave you with the head knowledge, better still irrelevant to your desire to be profitable.


I made sure this book is straight to the point and can be understood by anyone, irrespective of your background.

I don’t want you meandering like I did years back, I remember buying a book for $200… It was written by a Pakistani, he only used google translator to convert the text to english. I went through hell trying to figure it out.


I said to myself no Nigerian will go through this pain anymore, I took it upon myself to understand forex and simplify it in  a way that the average Nigerian can relate with and understand easily


I didn’t stop there, I added videos with detailed explanations on some aspects that text won’t do justice to, all to ensure that the difficulties are taken away and you can understand the cogent points that will make you profitable.

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What you get in this book

  • You’ll get the 7 most important nuggets that you must know so that you can be profitable as a forex trader.

  • Simplified market structure pattern to help you identify market direction and how to make a perfect entry into the market.

  • My Scalping strategy for making up to $50 – $500 daily profit.

  • Risk management lessons that will ensure you don’t overleverage your account and you make sustainable profit without blowing your account.

  • You will also know the profitable trading sessions for maximum profiting, this will help you to save time and maximize profit.

  • Access to free trading softwares that will ease your technical analysis.

  • Over 2 Hours of Video materials with illustrations.


The combination of text and videos will surely help you comprehend the teachings and make the most of this Book


This book is not for lazy individuals who find 8 chapters too cumbersome to read, or people who are not willing to take responsibility for their success in life. Also, this book will not be of any value to you if you’re pessimistic and you’ve concluded on being negative through life.


I wrote this only for you, If you are ready to be successful at forex trading and you believe that you can.

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