Contentment-Still fashionable

“Contentment, they say is the father of all attitude..
I’ll take you back in time to college, Hostel was fun and we had these two girls who are always at loggerhead only heaven knows how they emerged as roommates… Let’s pseudonym them Tola and Fola, I can’t allow somebody come and break my head, they can fight for Africa. loare roommate, Fola is from a not-so-rich-family…

Despite the fact that Tola has everything within her beck and call, she’s never satisfied neither is she contented… can we say she’s adventurous?

She’s the honorable side-chick to several side-cocks, she even get Aristos (a.k.a Sugar Daddies), freely has she received but she gives for the money… She can’t have enough!

While her roommy, Fola is an easy going type, she gets lesser support from home compared to Tola but she’s meticulous and satisfied… She’s been wooed to join the small-girl-big-god parole but Fola has blatantly ignored and refused,

Tola vowed not to help Fola in whatsoever situation she found herself in when it comes to money… you can tell, students will always have spontaneous needs Handouts, Out-of-cooking-gas, soft-loan etc and anytime she turns to Tola she reminds her of her previous vow…

Let me digress a second

I’ve discovered, Contentment isn’t the fulfilment of what you want, it’s simply the realization of how much you already have:

Being satisfied with what one has, Nothing beats that!

How come it’s the one who has so much who still goes about prostituting?

Would you say her problem is the lack of enough Money? Hell No!

Being contented helps in accepting what you’re going through without negative a judgement… Contentment helps you to be at peace with yourself!

Stop the endless search of looking for what’s not lost! Be grateful, don’t live with inferiority complex (do you remember the story of the girl with the coat of many colors? She wore her rags with pride and gratitude)…

Stay humble!
Shun envy, greed, covetousness, Jealousy!

The happiest people on earth don’t necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes along their way…

Contentment is still very Fashionable…

Let’s leave Tola for now, I hope she learns early enough!
Truly yours.

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